Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Food Friend-sie

How does a pregnant Tart entertain her girlfriend Sari when she comes from NYC to visit? By exploring the sights? Uh uh. Touring a few museums? Nope. Hiking perhaps? Negative!

A pregnant Tart entertains her friend with food. And food. And more food.

And for one of the stuff-fests we made Smitten Kitchen's Rice Pudding (Arroz Con Leche)...

It was delicious; my fellow Tart didn't even know we subbed brown rice for white! (Yes, we are nerds and when we can't cook together, we bring each other tiny morsels.)

Not only did I put Sari to work in the kitchen, I also forced her to take these amazing photographs! They're so good, Danielle broke a tooth trying to eat her computer screen.

Come see us more often, Sari! I promise, next time we'll go shopping...

After we go to BLD, Huckleberry, Campanile...this awesome sausage place downtown and...


  1. love love love huckleberry. I don't get up there often, but i think of that place ALL the time. So jealous you are close.

  2. ...and Gjelina and La Buca and Axe and Lou....and and and....we are so spoiled here!
